File Iterator
This Python code iterates Python commands over multiple files in a folder.
This example also adds the name of the file into a dataframe.
Import required modules
import pandas as pd
import os
Set source path and collect file names
files = os.listdir("your_source_path")
Create dataframe with a column for file names
df = pd.DataFrame([], columns = ['name'])
Iterate over the files
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(path,file)
# Open the file
f = open(file_path, "r")
# Do what you want with the file here :)
# Add file name to dataframe
df = df.append({'name': file}, ignore_index=True)
Export the dataframe into a CSV file
df.to_csv ("your_destination_path", index = False, header=True)